Let’s explore social events in Montreal, qc happening this week. Local events are a great way to meet new people and make new friends. Look through this page and consider going out and socializing during one of these social events.
Social events are great and offer a world of possibilities. You can make new friends, learn new skills, see things from different perspectives and it’s fantastic for your mental health. And never before has companionship and being able to spend time with others been as important as it is today.
You probably remember being a kid and going up to another person your age and saying, “Do you want to be friends?” and that was pretty much that. Friend made. Alas, it’s not quite as simple now that we’re grown up, but it doesn’t have to be as difficult or as awkward as we think. There are thousands of people out there who would love to meet up with others, finding them just takes a bit of help and that’s what we’re here for.
On this page, we hope you’ll find some interesting events in Montreal where you can make some new friends.
Local Groups’ Events in Montreal
ConFoo 2025: Happy Hour
◦ When: Wednesday, Feb 26th
◦ Where: Hotel Bonaventure Montréal
Right after the presentations, the Happy Hour will allow you to have a drink and network with [ConFoo ](https://confoo.ca/en/2025/)attendees, speakers and sponsors. The event will be held at the Bonaventure on Wednesday, February 26th between 4:45pm and 6:00pm(…)
ConFoo 2025: Closing Party
◦ When: Friday, Feb 28th
◦ Where: 105 Rue Saint-Paul E
Can’t get enough of ConFoo? Now is the time to do overtime. Join the ConFoo crowd on Friday, February 28th starting at 6:00pm.
Location: Les 3 Brasseurs Saint-Paul 105 Rue Saint-Paul E, Montréal, QC H2Y 1G7(…)
ConFoo 2025: Opening Party
◦ When: Tuesday, Feb 25th
◦ Where: Les Soeurs Grises – Bistro-Brasserie
Before getting to the serious talks, come and hang out with other [ConFoo ](https://confoo.ca/en/2025/)attendees, speakers and organizers.
Located right in the centre of Downtown Montreal, Les Soeurs Grises is an artisan microbrewery with unique, savoury beers and local “smokehouse” inspired cuisine.
Join us to celebrate the beginning of 3 exciting days of talks and debates! Come with your frien(…)
Transition énergétique au Canada : Quelle est la suite ? / What’s Next?
◦ When: Thursday, Feb 27th
◦ Where: Montreal International
La demande en électricité connaît une forte croissance, alors que des secteurs comme le transport se décarbonent et que les centres de données se développent. Parallèlement, la transition énergétique fait face à des défis croissants, notamment la menace de tarifs et les dynamiques politiques changeantes au Canada et aux États-Unis. Alors que nous entrons en 2025, une question persiste : sommes-nou(…)
ConFoo 2025: Community Happy Hour
◦ When: Thursday, Feb 27th
◦ Where: Hotel Bonaventure Montréal
Join us for this free get-together after a day of intensive talks and debates!
Sponsored by [Vooban](https://vooban.com/culture), this cocktail will be an exciting opportunity to network and get together with your fellow participants in a more casual environment.
This event is open to the Montreal tech community. ConFoo attendees get 2 drink tickets with their registration.
To discuss the last (…)
Connection Pooling in Java + Using MySQL Document Store with Java
◦ When: Tuesday, Feb 25th
◦ Where: Hotel Bonaventure Place Bonaventure
**Événement en anglais / Event in english**
**📍 Lieu :** Hotel Bonaventure, lieu du Confoo, **900 Rue De la Gauchetière O, Montréal, QC H5A 1E4, Salle: Saint-Laurent 4**
**The event is free. You can join even if you don’t have a ConFoo ticket.**
ConFoo 2025 is hosting us at the Hotel Bonaventure, along with 2 other meetups so that we can enjoy the space, the spirit, and the speakers.
**1\. Us(…)
Authentic Relating Games – “Let’s Dance!” (by donation)
◦ When: Tuesday, Feb 25th
◦ Where: Espace Saturne
\* Doors open at 6:45, please arrive at least a few minutes early: We do not generally let people join after 7 p.m. once the opening circle has started.
**What is Authentic Relating?**
Authentic relating is a practice that fosters genuine, open-hearted communication and connection between people from all walks of life. Through a variety of games and activities, we practice self-awareness, active(…)
Let’s write! (Monday evening session) – Séance d’écriture
◦ When: Monday, Feb 24th
◦ Where: La Boite Gourmande
EN / FR plus bas
Let’s meet to work on our writing projects!
No matter if you are writing fiction, non-fiction or poetry, whether you are doing it for your pleasure, your studies, your job or in the hope of becoming a professional. Everybody’s welcome!
**5.30 – 6 pm**: half an hour to give you time to arrive, settle, introduce yourself, and chat a little bit.
**6 – 7.30 pm**: 1.50 hours to wor(…)
🏸 Badminton Downtown ★ 5:10-7:00 ★ DOUBLES ★ 3 courts ★ All Welcome!
◦ When: Monday, Feb 24th
◦ Where: Cégep du Vieux Montréal
\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-english below\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
Bonjour à tous,
Nous organisons des rencontres de badminton le lundi soir de 17h00 à 19h au CEGEP du Vieux-Montréal.
Le gymnase est situé près des stations de métro St Laurent, Berry Uqam et Sherbrooke.
Les frais d’admissions sont de 10$.
NOTE: Nous n’offrons pas l’option de louer des raquettes.
Les volants sont fournis (…)
English Tea Time / Goûter anglais
◦ When: Tuesday, Feb 25th
◦ Where: Centre St Jax
**🍵Bienvenue à l’heure du thé !**
**C’est quoi?**
Pendant l’heure du thé, vous rencontrerez d’autres apprenants de langues dans un environnement chaleureux et amical, autour de tasses de thé, de délicieux encas et de conversations stimulantes. C’est une opportunité aux apprenants de langues et aux membres de la communauté de se connecter, de partager des idées et d’embrasser la diversité dans un(…)
Ansible Montréal: Février 2025
◦ When: Thursday, Feb 27th
◦ Where: 1801 McGill College
Bonjour à toutes et à tous !
Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter au prochain meetup Ansible Montreal dans un mois, jour pour jour: le **jeudi** **27 Février** prochain !
La rencontre sera gracieusement hébergée chez OVHcloud dans le Centre Eaton du centre-ville de Montréal au **800-1801 McGill Collège**.
Le bureau est accessible par la station de Métro McGill ou en voiture avec un stationneme(…)
Philosophy Nights ! (Theme: Violence and Power)
◦ When: Saturday, Mar 1st
◦ Where: Maison de l’Afrique – Mandingo
Dear Friends of the Philosophy Meetup!
It’s with great joy that we announce another Philosophy Night! We continue to be humbled by the people who tell us that their Saturdays just aren’t the same without their weekly dose of philosophy and community.
To that end, we are currently partnering with Maison de l’Afrique in Rosemont (a few mins away from Beaubien station).
**Meetup fee 10.00$**
Fees mai(…)
Jam Night !
◦ When: Saturday, Mar 1st
◦ Where: Maison de l’Afrique – Mandingo
Jam Nights is back, let’s go! Let the spirit and the Joy flow with music! We are glad to announce our new collaboration with la **Maison Afrique**! We will find the same warm atmosphere and a perfect setup for Jam Night!
You know the drill by now:
Jam Night is an evening of connection through music
There are no hosts, but a group of original members that lead collectively and are there to guide(…)
Session de pratique en français!
◦ When: Friday, Feb 28th
◦ Where: Maison de l’Afrique – Mandingo
Hello, are you looking to practice your French? Well, look no further! With us, you could practice your target language. With people from all over the world! You are guaranteed an active and dynamic conversation, in small groups to maximize participation. Come and make new friends or simply discover local expressions and culture in an informal, fun, and relaxed atmosphere! Come and discover the lo(…)
L’AgTech: La data au service de l’agriculture
◦ When: Wednesday, Feb 26th
◦ Where: Le Wagon Montréal
**[👉👉Inscription à l’événement ici👈👈](https://hubs.li/Q034TVcZ0)**
Le Wagon, en collaboration avec la Zone Agtech, a le plaisir de vous convier à une discussion entourant l’usage des données dans le domaine agricole, en compagnie des experts de ChrysaLabs, leader en innovation technologique pour l’agriculture.
👉 Rejoignez une conversation enrichissante avec nos invités: Colline Blanc, Data (…)
🏸 Badminton Downtown ★ 5:10-7:30PM ★ 4 courts ★ All welcome
◦ When: Thursday, Feb 27th
◦ Where: Cégep du Vieux Montréal
*\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-english below\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-*
Bonjour à tous,
Nous organisons des rencontres de badminton le jeudi soir de 17h10 à 19h30 au CEGEP du Vieux-Montréal.
Le gymnase est situé près des stations de métro St Laurent, Berry Uqam et Sherbrooke.
Les frais d’admissions sont de 12$.
NOTE: Nous n’offrons pas l’option de louer des raquettes.
Les volants sont four(…)
Mundo Lingo Montreal – Plateau Mont Royal
◦ When: Thursday, Feb 27th
◦ Where: Clébard
100s of people from around the 🌎 meet weekly to socialise, have a drink, and meet foreign/local people of all ages. It’s chilled, fun and free.
🟢 The Flags
Place flags on your chest from top to bottom according to fluency. We offer flags from 200+ places.
🟢 Stand to mingle, sit to dwindle!
🗣 Talk about anything you like. You don’t have to be an advanced speaker – it’s open to everyone!
🛎 R(…)
Roslyn Analyzers : Comprendre et créer des analyseurs pour améliorer votre code
◦ When: Tuesday, Feb 25th
◦ Where: Microsoft Montréal (14e)
**En présentiel seulement!**
Rejoignez-nous pour une session dédiée à Roslyn Analyzers, des outils puissants pour analyser, détecter et améliorer la qualité de votre code C# et Visual Basic. Au cours de cette présentation, notre speaker explorera les bases des Roslyn Analyzers : qu’est-ce que c’est, à quoi servent-ils et comment les intégrer dans vos projets.Vous découvrirez :
* Le rôle des Rosl(…)
French Tea Time / Goûter français
◦ When: Thursday, Feb 27th
◦ Where: Centre St Jax
**🍵Bienvenue à l’heure du thé !**
**C’est quoi?**
Pendant l’heure du thé, vous rencontrerez d’autres apprenants de langues dans un environnement chaleureux et amical, autour de tasses de thé, de délicieux encas et de conversations stimulantes. C’est une opportunité aux apprenants de langues et aux membres de la communauté de se connecter, de partager des idées et d’embrasser la diversité dans un(…)
🏸 Badminton Villeray ★ Friday 6-7:30PM ★ DOUBLES ★ 1 court ★ All Welcome!
◦ When: Friday, Feb 28th
◦ Where: Patro Le Prévost
★ EN will follow ★
Bonjour à tous,
Venez jouer au badminton les vendredis soirs au Patro Villeray / Patro Le Prévost.
Le centre de loisir est situé à quelques minutes du métro Jean-Talon (sortie ‘St-Hubert’).
Frais d’admissions: 8$.
\*NOTE\* Le Meetup n’offre pas l’option de louer des raquettes.
Les volants Mavis 350 seront fournis pour les séances.
**N’hésitez pas à communiquer avec nous si v(…)
Tips to meet people at social events
You can make more friends at one party by showing interest in them than in a month by trying to meet people online. Meeting new people and making genuine connections in local events can be fun and easy if you go with the right mindset.
When it comes to meeting new people, nothing beats showing up in the real world. But none of the tips will work if you are not coming from the right place. Keep an open mind when attending social events. Reframe strangers as potential friends, it will make it much easier to approach conversations and fully engage in them.
When choosing an event, keep an eye on interesting themes, something you can relate to. Meeting new people in the context of mutual interest increases your chances of being friends.
Research events with the types of people you want to meet. They could be people in your age group, your field of work, or a specific neighborhood. Do not be too strict though, loosen up a little bit from your expectations.
Go where people are intentionally looking to make friends such as networking events where it feels normal and expected to walk up and introduce yourself.
In this digital era, apps and websites are the most convenient solutions for finding out about local events. If you are not sure where to look for events happening in Montreal, you can try out Impact-xm.com, Exhibau.com, or Mtl.org.
RELATED: How To Meet People In Montreal, Canada
Spectacle Programme de Compétitions DMA
◦ When: Friday, Feb 28th
◦ Where: 3510 Chemin de la Côte-des-Neiges, Montreal, QC, Canada
Spectacle troupes, solos/duos du programme de compétitions DMA : 10$ par billet sont remis aux danseurs dans le cadre de levée de fonds
Terrebonne : Gestion des émotions, communication consciente et lâcher-prise
◦ When: Thursday, Feb 27th
◦ Where: Salle La Québécoise
Terrebonne : Gestion des émotions / Communication consciente / Lâcher-prise – Réservez cette nouvelle conférence en prévente à 29$ + tx
Vivienne Mort | Montreal – 28 Feb | Canadian Candlelight Tour
◦ When: Friday, Feb 28th
◦ Where: Ukrainian National Federation of Quebec
Вперше в Канаді Vivienne Mort з великим туром при свічках!
⚡Achetez ce spécial aujourd’hui et économisez 60% (rabais de 75$)
◦ When: Friday, Feb 28th
◦ Where: Québec
Achetez ce spécial aujourd’hui et économisez 60% (Rabais de 75$)
◦ When: Friday, Feb 28th
◦ Where: 429 Avenue Viger E
Les Antillais de Montréal & Afromojo vous prépares encore du lourd ! 2 salles deux ambiances pour 2 fois plus de fun
Montreal Quintet III
◦ When: Saturday, Mar 1st
◦ Where: Théâtre Paradoxe
The third edition of Canadas most prestigious Grappling Gala, The Montreal Quintet. The best of 5v5 Jiu Jitsu is here!
Ladies Who Launch
◦ When: Tuesday, Feb 25th
◦ Where: 1 Rue Chabanel O
Join us for the 3rd annual Ladies Who Launch Luncheon —where great women and great food come together to connect and be inspired.
◦ When: Saturday, Mar 1st
◦ Where: Sheraton Laval Hotel
L’événement pour inspirer, encourager, valoriser, honorer et remercier les MARnifiques femmes de notre communauté
Le petit-déjeuner de la JIF de MONTREAL 2025 | MONTREAL IWD Breakfast 2025
◦ When: Thursday, Feb 27th
◦ Where: Le Château Royal
Le petit-déjeuner de la JIF de MONTRÉAL 2025 aura lieu le jeudi 27 février 2025. Le thème de la JIF 2025 est Inspirez et soyez inspiré.
Cocktail de reconnaissance 2025 – Recognition cocktail 2025
◦ When: Thursday, Feb 27th
◦ Where: Maison Principale
Un événement festif pour célébrer et honorer les réalisations exceptionnelles de l’année 2025 autour de délicieux cocktails et bonne compagn
RÉTROPIKAL 5 – avec Dj Fly
◦ When: Friday, Feb 28th
◦ Where: Ritmo Café & Bar
La “Rétropikal” est de retour… et on ne s’en lassera jamais!
Oldies but Goodies. OldSchool party
M&A Club – Chapter VSL & West Island
◦ When: Tuesday, Feb 25th
◦ Where: BDC – Banque de développement du Canada
Join us for the next M&A Club VSL/WEST ISLAND meeting !
Montreal’s Hottest Singles Mixer 25+
◦ When: Friday, Feb 28th
◦ Where: CHI Restaurant Bar
Venez vous mêler aux célibataires les plus chauds de Montréal!
En Cachette
◦ When: Friday, Feb 28th
◦ Where: 8575 Boul. Saint-Laurent
Le mystère et l’intimité vous attendent pour la 2e édition de « En Cachette »,une soirée intime et exclusive réservée aux adultes avertis.
Montreal | Straight Speed Dating near Old Montreal @ Pelicano | Ages 27-36
◦ When: Wednesday, Feb 26th
◦ Where: Club Pelicano
Kick swiping to the curb with Flare Events! Join us for a night of fun and excitement, and meet singles who are serious about dating.
YMP Montreal Mining Trivia Night
◦ When: Wednesday, Feb 26th
◦ Where: 425 Rue Mayor
YMP Montreal is back with it’s “Mining Trivia Night”! Join us for light drinks, snacks, networking and trivia.
Overcoming Creative Blocks| Workshop by Vision Vivendi
◦ When: Thursday, Feb 27th
◦ Where: 4020 Rue Saint-Ambroise
Overcome creative blocks with brainstorming, workshops, and mental health tips to stay inspired, productive, and spark innovation.
Plezi Komedi Show
◦ When: Friday, Feb 28th
◦ Where: 6566 Rue Jarry E
Vinn pran pleziw. Comedy show qui réunit plusieurs comédiens dont Chelo Chelo, Goofy, Mibenson et Claudine Napoléon. A ne pas manquer!
Immigrant Diaries: Stories of the Good, the Bad & the Hilarious
◦ When: Wednesday, Feb 26th
◦ Where: 1090 Ave Greene
A unique series of inspiring talks where three immigrants share their personal journey of immigration across the years.
Art Battle Montréal – 27 Février, 2025
◦ When: Thursday, Feb 27th
◦ Where: Bar La Shop
Bienvenue de retour à Art Battle Montréal au Bar La Shop!
Events for Expats and Locals to meet
InterNations Exclusive Frost & Flame Fling @Bar Le Confessionnal
◦ When: Thursday, Feb 27th
◦ Where: Bar Le Confessionnal
As February’s frost lingers, join us for an evening of cool elegance and fiery energy at the legendary Bar Le Confessionnal. Embrace the contrast of ice and fire, sip on a drink, connect with an international crowd, and enjoy a night where every encounter sparks something new.
Located in the heart of Old Montreal, Le Confessionnal has been a staple of the city’s social scene for over a decade, fa
Bar Spécial Cocktail + Karaoke Night !
◦ When: Friday, Feb 28th
{% location %}Bar Majesté {% endlocation %}Spécial Cocktail + Karaoke Night !
Come join us for a discount cocktail from 18h – 19h and karaoke night starting at 20h this Friday !
MajesThé bar created the first line of Taiwanese bubble tea inspired cocktails in Montreal. They also have a specialized cocktail section that uses solely fresh ingredients and created with their MajesThé creativity.
Board Game Event #80 🎯😄
◦ When: Tuesday, Mar 4th
Hello Gamers, 😎
Welcome to our monthly multi board game event at the {% location %}UFM!!{% endlocation %} 🎲♟
During this event, you’ll have access to a wide selection of fun and clever board games presented by the Home Club Games. Our animators will introduce you to games of bluff, strategy, creativity, skill and brainstorming in a friendly atmosphere that encourages social interaction. It’s t
Escape to Italy without Leaving Montreal
◦ When: Saturday, Mar 8th
Are you dreaming of a cozy Italian getaway, filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sweet taste of delectable pastries? Well, right here in the heart of Montreal lies a little slice of Italy.
This charming café is more than just a place to grab your caffeine fix. It’s an experience, an invitation to slow down, savour the moment, and indulge in the simple pleasures of life, à la ita