Let’s explore social events in Montreal, qc happening this week. Local events are a great way to meet new people and make new friends. Look through this page and consider going out and socializing during one of these social events.
Social events are great and offer a world of possibilities. You can make new friends, learn new skills, see things from different perspectives and it’s fantastic for your mental health. And never before has companionship and being able to spend time with others been as important as it is today.
You probably remember being a kid and going up to another person your age and saying, “Do you want to be friends?” and that was pretty much that. Friend made. Alas, it’s not quite as simple now that we’re grown up, but it doesn’t have to be as difficult or as awkward as we think. There are thousands of people out there who would love to meet up with others, finding them just takes a bit of help and that’s what we’re here for.
On this page, we hope you’ll find some interesting events in Montreal where you can make some new friends.
Local Groups’ Events in Montreal
Carrières et communauté climat / Climate Careers & Community
◦ When: Wednesday, Jan 22nd
◦ Where: Le Cathcart
Le prochain événement Carrières et communauté climat aura lieu à 18h mercredi le 22 janvier.
Vous travaillez sur les solutions climatiques et cherchez à rencontrer d’autres personnes qui font de même ? Ou vous cherchez à faire une transition vers une carrière dans le domaine des solutions climatiques ? Ceci est un événement (affiliée à [Terra.do](https://www.terra.do/) et [MCJ Collective](https:/(…)
Session de pratique en français!
◦ When: Friday, Jan 24th
◦ Where: Maison de l’Afrique – Mandingo
Hello, are you looking to practice your French? Well, look no further! With us, you could practice your target language. With people from all over the world! You are guaranteed an active and dynamic conversation, in small groups to maximize participation. Come and make new friends or simply discover local expressions and culture in an informal, fun, and relaxed atmosphere! Come and discover the lo(…)
Montréal Python | MP110 Event
◦ When: Thursday, Jan 23rd
\*\*\*English Follow\*\*\*
C’est le retour de Montréal Python ! Rejoignez-nous le **23 janvier 2025** pour une soirée dédiée à Python\*\*.\*\* Nous vous préparons un programme riche avec des présentations passionnantes.
**Programme :**
* **17h00** : Accueil et réseautage. Une occasion idéale pour échanger avec d’autres passionnés.
* **18h00** : Début des présentations. Deux sessions sont au pro(…)
Quarkus Compare & Contrast + Test-Driven Development It’s easier than you think
◦ When: Thursday, Jan 23rd
◦ Where: McGill – Armstrong Building
**Événement en anglais / Event in english**
**📍 Lieu :** [Room 365-370, Armstrong building, 3420 R McTavish, Montréal, QC](https://maps.app.goo.gl/8JCxYM6cpcuMxEuk6)
**1\. Java a First\-Class Citizen in Azure Functions**
*Jean-Olivier Pitre – Cloud Engineer at DataSphere Lab @ McGill University*
**2\. Quarkus Compare & Contrast**
Are you a Spring developer and interested in learning something (…)
French, Friends and Fun ! 5 à 7 francophone
◦ When: Thursday, Jan 23rd
◦ Where: UQAM pavillon V
Jeudi de 18h à 20h
5$ + votre consommation
UQAM, Pavillon V, local **V-R830**
209, rue Sainte-Catherine Est, Montréal
**Métro**: Berri-Uqam
En entrant dans le bâtiment V, prenez à gauche et allez jusqu’au fond, puis tournez à droite. La salle V-R830 (Rez-de-chaussée) est au bout du couloir.
**Activités :**
– Partager des anecdotes amusantes
– Débattre autour de thèmes variés
– Jouer à(…)
Make Friends & BlaBla Language Exchange Montréal
◦ When: Wednesday, Jan 22nd
◦ Where: Birra bar à bières maison
**⚠️⚠️⚠️ 🍹/🍔 You are asked to order a drink or something to eat BEFORE joining the group (MANDATORY) ⚠️⚠️⚠️**
Meet new people – Make international and local friends – Speak languages (mingle) – Have fun 😉
**👉 Any question or request?** **[Reach out to us on Instagram](www.instagram.com/blablalanguage) !**
**👉 Some guidelines for a delightful experience:**
\- 🍺🥤 You are asked to order a dr(…)
Illuminating the Shadow: A Shadow Work Workshop
◦ When: Friday, Jan 24th
◦ Where: Espace Joie de vivre
Join us on **January 24th at 6:30 p.m.** for a 90-minute workshop designed to illuminate, understand, and offer you the opportunity to integrate your shadow aspects. The purpose of this event to help us get more comfortable with the unconscious parts of ourselves—the ones we might be suppressing or denying the existance of, in many cases. Shadow work invites us all to bring light to these aspects (…)
Mundo Lingo Montreal – Plateau Mont Royal
◦ When: Thursday, Jan 23rd
◦ Where: Clébard
100s of people from around the 🌎 meet weekly to socialise, have a drink, and meet foreign/local people of all ages. It’s chilled, fun and free.
🟢 The Flags
Place flags on your chest from top to bottom according to fluency. We offer flags from 200+ places.
🟢 Stand to mingle, sit to dwindle!
🗣 Talk about anything you like. You don’t have to be an advanced speaker – it’s open to everyone!
🛎 R(…)
#FlutterInProduction Montreal
◦ When: Thursday, Jan 23rd
◦ Where: nventive
Tune in to help celebrate the incredible journey we’ve taken together as a community to make Flutter the powerful framework it is today. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, you’ll gain new insights and inspiration from Flutter user stories, learn more about the latest features from Flutter technical leads, and see what the future holds for Flutter app development in this event.
Let’s write! (Monday evening session) – Séance d’écriture
◦ When: Monday, Jan 20th
◦ Where: La Boite Gourmande
EN / FR plus bas
Let’s meet to work on our writing projects!
No matter if you are writing fiction, non-fiction or poetry, whether you are doing it for your pleasure, your studies, your job or in the hope of becoming a professional. Everybody’s welcome!
**5.30 – 6 pm**: half an hour to give you time to arrive, settle, introduce yourself, and chat a little bit.
**6 – 7.30 pm**: 1.50 hours to wor(…)
Philosophy Nights ! (Theme: Aesthetics Night)
◦ When: Saturday, Jan 25th
◦ Where: Maison de l’Afrique – Mandingo
Dear Friends of the Philosophy Meetup!
It’s with great joy that we announce another Philosophy Night! We continue to be humbled by the people who tell us that their Saturdays just aren’t the same without their weekly dose of philosophy and community.
To that end, we are currently partnering with Maison de l’Afrique in Rosemont (a few mins away from Beaubien station) to keep this awesome community (…)
Concordia Toastmasters Club
◦ When: Monday, Jan 20th
◦ Where: John Molson School of Business
Are you ready to take your public speaking skills to another level?
Concordia Toastmasters Club is one of the most vibrant and supportive clubs in Montreal.
We are meeting in person every monday ! To join us ? Simply fill out the [Sign Up Form](https://forms.gle/q6cNSBFEPJECLdi18)
Where ?
John Molson School of Business – 1450 Guy Street, 4th floor – Room 206 (MB4.206)
The (…)
Speak With Style Toastmasters (English)
◦ When: Thursday, Jan 23rd
◦ Where: 5055 Rue Rivard
**\*\*N.B.:** You must remove your boots. Please bring indoor shoes to wear.
**How to find the room:**
Use the side entrance on Rivard Street, and follow the signs to the room. Comment on this event page if you have difficulty finding us.
**We require your name and email, please sign into our guest list at**
🏸 Badminton Downtown ★ 5:10-7:30PM ★ 4 courts ★ All welcome
◦ When: Thursday, Jan 23rd
◦ Where: Cégep du Vieux Montréal
*\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-english below\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-*
Bonjour à tous,
Nous organisons des rencontres de badminton le jeudi soir de 17h10 à 19h30 au CEGEP du Vieux-Montréal.
Le gymnase est situé près des stations de métro St Laurent, Berry Uqam et Sherbrooke.
Les frais d’admissions sont de 12$.
NOTE: Nous n’offrons pas l’option de louer des raquettes.
Les volants sont four(…)
🏸 Badminton Downtown ★ 5:10-7:00 ★ DOUBLES ★ 3 courts ★ All Welcome!
◦ When: Monday, Jan 20th
◦ Where: Cégep du Vieux Montréal
\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-english below\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
Bonjour à tous,
Nous organisons des rencontres de badminton le lundi soir de 17h00 à 19h au CEGEP du Vieux-Montréal.
Le gymnase est situé près des stations de métro St Laurent, Berry Uqam et Sherbrooke.
Les frais d’admissions sont de 10$.
NOTE: Nous n’offrons pas l’option de louer des raquettes.
Les volants sont fournis (…)
Séance d’écriture
◦ When: Wednesday, Jan 22nd
◦ Where: Resto Vego
Tous les mercredis, nous nous retrouvons pour écrire !
Vous pouvez écrire ce que vous voulez, de la liste d’épicerie au roman, le but étant de sortir de l’isolement qui vient avec l’écriture.
Les rencontres ont lieu au resto Vego (rue St Denis, station Berri Uqam). Si vous ne trouvez pas, écrivez un message dans les commentaires de l’évènement. Pensez à charger votre ordinateur avant de venir, i(…)
Israeli-Palestinian Dialogue
◦ When: Wednesday, Jan 22nd
◦ Where: Grande Bibliothèque – BAnQ
**Zoom Prep Meeting for a series of in-person dialogues!**
The first meeting on January 22 will be a virtual Zoom meeting to prepare for a series of in-person dialogues.
The destructive violence between Israel and the Palestinians has shocked the world. A generalized sense of injustice and insecurity has compelled citizens with different sensibilities to take a stance. The atmosph(…)
Les recruteur-euses et RH au “CRIMSON”
◦ When: Thursday, Jan 23rd
◦ Where: 323 Rue Ontario E
***Saison 3 , Épisode 1 !! On remet ça :)***
On se retrouve le **jeudi 23 janvier** Au **CRIMSON** au 323 Rue Ontario E, Montréal, QC H2X 1H7 à quelques minutes du métro.
***L’endroit sera privatisé pour cette occasion.***
**Inscris-toi !**
Il y aura de nouveaux des tirages au sort pour gagner des cocktails !
**Rappel des épisodes précédents :**
***Et si on se rencontrait*** *? Alors oui, tu me di(…)
Marche sur le Mt Royal – Mt Royal Walk
◦ When: Saturday, Jan 25th
◦ Where: Avenue des Pins Ouest
Randonnée sur le Mt Royal, Samedi 10 :00 am (English info below)
\*\* Apporter vos crampons \*\*
\*\* Veuillez noter que le nombre de participants est limité a 35. Si vous décidez d’annuler, veuillez dans la mesure du possible le faire 24h a l’avance, merci ! \*\*
Point de rencontre au bas de l’escalier, a l’intersection des rue Des Pins et Peel, approximativement au 1110 av. des Pins O. ,Montré(…)
Dare to Improve your Public Speaking! (In Person)
◦ When: Thursday, Jan 23rd
◦ Where: undefined
Are you ready to up-level your public speaking skills?
Would you like to improve your leadership abilities?
Develop your prowess as a public speaker and leader by joining our Golden Mile Toastmasters club.
Our mission is to help you become a better communicator and leader in a fun and supportive environment. You dare, we care!
Golden Mile is an English Toastmasters club located in the heart of(…)
Tips to meet people at social events
You can make more friends at one party by showing interest in them than in a month by trying to meet people online. Meeting new people and making genuine connections in local events can be fun and easy if you go with the right mindset.
When it comes to meeting new people, nothing beats showing up in the real world. But none of the tips will work if you are not coming from the right place. Keep an open mind when attending social events. Reframe strangers as potential friends, it will make it much easier to approach conversations and fully engage in them.
When choosing an event, keep an eye on interesting themes, something you can relate to. Meeting new people in the context of mutual interest increases your chances of being friends.
Research events with the types of people you want to meet. They could be people in your age group, your field of work, or a specific neighborhood. Do not be too strict though, loosen up a little bit from your expectations.
Go where people are intentionally looking to make friends such as networking events where it feels normal and expected to walk up and introduce yourself.
In this digital era, apps and websites are the most convenient solutions for finding out about local events. If you are not sure where to look for events happening in Montreal, you can try out Impact-xm.com, Exhibau.com, or Mtl.org.
RELATED: How To Meet People In Montreal, Canada
Forum Immigration et Action Intersectorielle
◦ When: Wednesday, Jan 22nd
◦ Where: Conservatoire de musique de Montréal
Forum Pleine participation des personnes im/migrantes : des pratiques prometteuses au cœur de l’action intersectorielle locale
Canadian Space Conference 2025
◦ When: Friday, Jan 24th
◦ Where: Engineering and Computer Science Association (ECA) Concordia
At the Canadian Space Conference, attendees can explore opportunities in space and learn about potential innovations by engaging with studen
◦ When: Saturday, Jan 25th
◦ Where: USINE C
“The Nightmare After Christmas”
Sous la direction d’Atelier Studio, un défilé exceptionnel où la mode devient art.
Hauterageous 023: BITCH BONANZA W/ Nino Brown, Honey Drip, Mossy Mugler +
◦ When: Saturday, Jan 25th
◦ Where: Esc
Details coming soon…
AfroFit: Mouvement, Bien-être et Culture
◦ When: Saturday, Jan 25th
◦ Where: 9394 Bd de l’Acadie
Le corps est la maison de l’esprit; prenons-en soin avec amour et respect.
Treasure Island – Night 1
◦ When: Wednesday, Jan 22nd
◦ Where: Bahadur Bhatla Theatre
St. George’s High School 2024-25 Play
Longueuil : Gestion des émotions, communication consciente et lâcher-prise
◦ When: Saturday, Jan 25th
◦ Where: Centre Le Trait d’Union
Longueuil : Gestion des émotions / Communication consciente / Lâcher-prise – Réservez cette nouvelle conférence en prévente à 29$ + tx
Vœux et Galette des rois des associations
◦ When: Thursday, Jan 23rd
◦ Where: Théâtre La Comédie de Montréal
L’association « Les Alsaciens de Montréal » vous convie, avec les associations amies, à un 5@7 de rentrée.
◦ When: Thursday, Jan 23rd
◦ Where: Madame Bovary – Laval
Venez célébrer avec moi le lancement de mon livre et découvrez l’impact de l’écoute multi-niveaux dans nos relations professionnelles.
2025蒙特利尔留学生春节联欢晚会|2025 Montreal Chinese Student Spring Festival Gala
◦ When: Saturday, Jan 25th
◦ Where: Vanier College Auditorium
Lancement de la 3e saison du balado 4 à 4
◦ When: Thursday, Jan 23rd
◦ Where: HEC Montréal – Édifice Hélène-Desmarais
Joignez-vous à nous pour célébrer le lancement de la troisième saison du balado 4 à 4.
Après All Night
◦ When: Saturday, Jan 25th
◦ Where: M Bar (in the M Hotel)
Trade the slopes for the bar and join us for a night of après-ski party—think warm drinks, ski-chic looks, and a hint of snow bunny flair;)
Montreal Entrepreneur Networking Event
◦ When: Wednesday, Jan 22nd
◦ Where: El Lounge Resto-Bar
SUM OF FIVE | Meet Professionals In Entrepreneurship | Wednesday, Jan 22nd from 7:00pm-9:00pm
Tendances finances 2025 – Petit-déjeuner | EMBA McGill-HEC Montréal
◦ When: Wednesday, Jan 22nd
◦ Where: HEC Montréal – Édifice Hélène-Desmarais (niveau 3, Centre de conférence A373)
Tendances financières 2025 – Petit-déjeuner présenté par le programme EMBA McGill-HEC Montréal.
Gestion TISEB : Lancement de livres – Le Guide du PCO Tome 3
◦ When: Thursday, Jan 23rd
◦ Where: Le Livart | Centre d’art Montréal
Venez assister au lancement du Guide du PCO Tome 3 lors de l’événement Gestion TISEB et partir à l’aventure avec nos personnages !
◦ When: Friday, Jan 24th
◦ Where: Salle de concert Oscar Peterson
Le Grand spectacle des célébrations de Yennayer 2975 avec les Stars de la chanson Amazighe , Saida TITRIT, Youssef BAAMMI et Troupe IMDOUKAL
The McGill Night Shift
◦ When: Thursday, Jan 23rd
◦ Where: 1 Rue Milton
Join us at École Privée for an unforgettable night out!
Crüe-zy 80s Rock Night! Möntréal Crüe, Poison Angels & Soul N’ Bones
◦ When: Saturday, Jan 25th
◦ Where: Piranha Bar
Relive the 80s with Montréal Crüe, Poison Angel and Soul N’ Bones! Join us for a night of rock, nostalgia. Get your tickets with 20% OFF
“ Men Sold Out” Heartfelt CNX❤️ Speed Dating Montreal |Age 30’s-40’s by LC
◦ When: Saturday, Jan 25th
◦ Where: Café Allegria Resto Bar
Get ready to meet other singles and potentially find a spark in our fast-paced Speed Dating event! Theme: Family / Heartfelt/ Commitment
Events for Expats and Locals to meet
Mafia Game #13 👀🧠
◦ When: Tuesday, Jan 21st
Hello Mafiosi!! 🔴⚫️
The Mafia Team MTL is back at the {% location %}UFM {% endlocation %}for a new season. Open to beginners, advanced and experts players, the game is played in both French and/or English. 🇫🇷/🇬🇧
Mafia is a Russian social deduction game that models a conflict between two groups: an informed minority (the mafiosi) and an uninformed majority (the citizen). Each player is secre
Let’s Watch Nosferatu
◦ When: Tuesday, Jan 21st
Get ready for a night of international horror as we gather to watch the re-make of the horror classic Nosferatu. As usual we will meet at Bhivw at 6:30pm before we head to the movie for the 7:20pm
I have seat K7 and it’s filling up, so grab yours quickly!
Let’s Go for Some Eclectic South-East Asian Food
◦ When: Wednesday, Jan 22nd
Hi everyone,
We haven’t been to this eclectic Cambodian/Vietnamese restaurant in a long time. It’s been around for a long time, and is well known for its varied and tasty food.
Their menu
is composed of traiditional Cambodian and Vietnamese offerings, including the rarely-found