Social Events in Berlin, Germany This Week

Let’s explore social events in Berlin, Germany happening this week. Local events are a great way to meet new people and make new friends. Look through this page and consider going out and socializing during one of these social events.

Are you looking to take a break from your regular ventures, build friendships or develop emotional intelligence? Social events could just be just the thing you are missing. As they always say, one’s company, two’s a crowd, three’s a party. In these events, you will get to meet a whole new range of people, engage other cultures and understand different perspectives. You get opportunities to expand your circle through the interactions and conversations elicited. Whether you are looking to improve your social or work connections, this is it for you.

There are many events held across Berlin, Germany. Events range from backyard outings, outdoor activity events, singles events, professional networking, meaningful discussions, and more. They are all varied and interesting covering your lifestyle and preference. If you find it hard to make connections or socialize in these events, here are a few tips to save your situation.

Local Groups’ Events in Berlin

Analog Photography Workshop

Analog Photography Workshop

◦ When: Saturday, Jul 27th

◦ Where: StattLab

By taking this course you will gain a solid foundation in the art of analog photography and be able to create stunning images that you will be proud to show off !


In this part of the course you will learn how to mix and use chemicals to develop film. You will learn about different development techniques, such as push processing and how they can affect the fina(…)

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Cardano Hackathon Berlin 2024

Cardano Hackathon Berlin 2024

◦ When: Friday, Jul 26th

◦ Where: w3 Hub

The Cardano Hackathon is an interactive in-person event organized and facilitated by NMKR and supported by the three founding entities of Cardano (IOG, Cardano Foundation and Emurgo). The Hackathon is designed to bring together builders and developers from around the world, providing them with an unique event to collaborate, innovate, and kickstart new ideas within the Web 3 ecosystem.

Scheduled (…)

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So It Begins: First Gathering of The League of Extraordinary Engineering Leaders

So It Begins: First Gathering of The League of Extraordinary Engineering Leaders

◦ When: Monday, Sep 16th

◦ Where: undefined

Welcome to the first event of **The League of Extraordinary Engineering Leaders**! This is the perfect opportunity to meet and connect with fellow engineering professionals who share a passion for leadership and innovation.

In this inaugural gathering, we aim to set the stage for future events by discussing key topics and challenges in engineering leadership. This will be a collaborative session (…)

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Tech Mingle in Friedrichshain 🍺🍕

Tech Mingle in Friedrichshain 🍺🍕

◦ When: Thursday, Jul 25th

◦ Where: Boxhagener Str. 77

🤖 **What’s Happening?**
Get ready for an chilling evening at our next Afterworkevent! Join us for a session where fresh-faced developers meet seasoned tech aficionados to explore the cutting-edge of AI. Whether you’re a code newbie or a pro, this night is for you!

🛋️ **Casual Vibes & Creative Jives**
Leave the workday behind and step into our laid-back realm where tech minds unite over the clin(…)

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IN-PERSON Engineering Management Kata #3: Solving together an EM interview case.

IN-PERSON Engineering Management Kata #3: Solving together an EM interview case.

◦ When: Tuesday, Jul 23rd

◦ Where: codecentric AG

Our EM Kata will be inspired by the real-life EM interview case. Together, we’ll learn and practise an algorithm for solving such cases.

Teams will compete for the best solution. Expect additional feedback from experienced tech leaders after the presentations.

Join us, and bring your laptop with you.
It will be fun!

**❓ What is a Software EM Kata?**
EM Kata is a safe sandbox where Engineering M(…)

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Berlin GenAI Meetup: Roundtable discussions

Berlin GenAI Meetup: Roundtable discussions

◦ When: Wednesday, Jul 24th

◦ Where: c-base

Round table discussions!
We’ll start the evening with a round of 3-5 min topic intros, and proceed to round table discussions.


* pros and cons of the different models
* how to start implementing the EU AI act
* roast my project

Anything except for sales pitches is welcome.

During the evening you can purchase drinks from the bar while brainstorming with people from different industrie(…)

Learn more Berlin – Summer Edition ☀️☀️ Berlin - Summer Edition ☀️☀️

◦ When: Thursday, Jul 25th

◦ Where: Techspace Kreuzberg

Hello Community!

Experience an engaging evening of insightful discussions and networking on **July 25th at 18:00** at **TechSpace Kreuzberg** 💫

This event is supported by [Nebius AI]( 🙌 Nebius AI is an AI-centric cloud platform ready for intensive workloads.

Join us for **two main talks,** a lightning talk and then some summer activities 🥳.

Main talks:

1. The first one f(…)

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#5 NoCode + AI Meetup Berlin presented by

#5 NoCode + AI Meetup Berlin presented by

◦ When: Thursday, Jul 25th

◦ Where: Clinker Lounge

We have changed the location. This time we are in the holy halls of the historic Backfabrik building in Berlin Mitte.

Hello No-Coders and AI enthusiasts!

We’re thrilled to announce our 5th NoCode + AI Meetup, moderated by Matthias Siwy from nocodea(…)

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SEO Stammtisch Berlin auf der Dachterrasse vom Axel Springer Verlag

SEO Stammtisch Berlin auf der Dachterrasse vom Axel Springer Verlag

◦ When: Thursday, Jul 25th

◦ Where: The Axel Springer Skyscraper

Wir treffen uns diesmal auf der Dachterrasse vom Axel Springer Verlag.

**Ganz wichtig:** Bitte sagt hier bei Meetup zu. Wir müssen die Namen vorher bei der Sicherheitskontrolle hinterlegen.

Wir freuen uns auf ein spannenden Abend in einer besonderen Location.

Das SEO Stammtisch Berlin Team(…)

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RL get-together

RL get-together

◦ When: Tuesday, Jul 23rd

◦ Where: Brauhaus neulich

Let’s have an informal after-work gathering of RL enthusiasts, RL practitioners and those who are interested in RL. The goal is to socialize, have a good time over food and drinks, and strike up conversations about AI/RL.

The location is Neulich Brewery close to Tempelhoferfeld. You can order food from Neulich’s neighbor, the tasty “Han West — house of dumplings” and enjoy it in the bar!(…)

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talk deep – Themenabend Prenzlauer Berg/F’hain

talk deep - Themenabend Prenzlauer Berg/F'hain

◦ When: Friday, Jul 26th

◦ Where: Hans-Otto-Straße 3

Und schon startet unser zweiter Themenabend ! Das Meeting wird ca 3 Stunden dauern. Der Abend ist thematisch nicht festgelegt. Ich würde die Themen oder Anliegen erstmal sammeln und wir losen dann am Abend aus. Als Anregungen gebe ich euch einfach mal so was wie “Akku leer…?” oder “Zeit für mich” oder “Beziehungsfragen” hinein, aber wie gesagt, wir sind frei in der Auswahl. Ihr könnt mich auch g(…)

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Cali Games 2024: The Ultimate Calisthenics Challenge For All Levels & Genders

Cali Games 2024: The Ultimate Calisthenics Challenge For All Levels & Genders

◦ When: Saturday, Jul 27th

◦ Where: Evope

**Paid event – unlimited attendees number – Sign up here**:

Welcome to the **Cali Games 2024**, the premier event for calisthenics athletes of all levels and genders!

Organized by Barliner Workout, this thrilling competition will take place on **July 27th at Evope Berlin**.

Cali Games 2024 is a celebration of strength, endurance, and skill, ope(…)

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PyBerlin 48 – ☀️☀️July event ☀️☀️

PyBerlin 48 - ☀️☀️July event ☀️☀️

◦ When: Wednesday, Jul 24th

◦ Where: Docmetric GmbH

• 18:30 – Opening doors of the venue

• 19:00 – Welcome to PyBerlin! // Organisers

• 19:10 – Welcome from the host – Docmetric GmbH

• 19:20 – Low effort configurable python: type hints and dependency injection // Mauricio Villegas
Have you ever wanted to make a python project configurable and found it daunting? Are you unsure why making a project configurable might be important? In this (…)

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Career & Life Design for Multipotentialites/Scanner Personalities

Career & Life Design for Multipotentialites/Scanner Personalities

◦ When: Saturday, Jul 27th

◦ Where: The Castle

**On-Site Workshop** (place will be announced soon)

The aim of this workshop is to inspire you, in case you feel kind of helpless and stuck concerning finding a career which fulfills you.

We will focus on so called „multipotentialites“, people who find themselves being interested in very different fields and don’t want to restrict themselves to specialise in only one field.

Multipotentialites e(…)

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LLVM Social #29 – LCompilers with Ondřej Čertík

LLVM Social #29 - LCompilers with Ondřej Čertík

◦ When: Wednesday, Jul 24th

◦ Where: Office

In our next meetup we welcome Ondřej Čertík, the original author of [sympy](, [symengine]( and [lcompilers](

Ondřej will give an overview of LCompilers and SymPy support in LPython. LPython allows to compile a subset of Python to a binary via LLVM and use SymEngine at runtime.

Small snacks and drinks will be ava(…)

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CocoaHeads July 2024

CocoaHeads July 2024

◦ When: Wednesday, Jul 24th

◦ Where: Telekom/Hubraum Germany

We are glad to invite you to our next meetup in July.

This time at Hubraum/Telekom. Winterfeldtstraße 21, 10781 Berlin
We are very grateful for the support of our community!
19:00 Doors open. Networking Time
19:15 Dmitry Kurkin: “No magic in SwiftUI”. Updates of Views and Observability are so smart that it often sounds like magic. We’ll inspect what is behind these tricks and how the technology w(…)

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LSLab Berlin-July 2024 @idealo: Innovation

LSLab Berlin-July 2024 @idealo: Innovation

◦ When: Thursday, Jul 25th

◦ Where: idealo internet GmbH

The theme: How to drive innovation?

Innovation is the engine driving progress in today’s rapidly evolving world. It represents the spark of creativity that transforms ideas into tangible solutions, improving lives and advancing industries. Innovation is about challenging the status quo and exploring uncharted territories with a blend of curiosity, ingenuity, and determination.

In this lab we’d l(…)

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🔥 Music Marketing Meetup: Summer BBQ (+Pool) and 3 years of Aurale Agency ☀️

🔥 Music Marketing Meetup: Summer BBQ (+Pool) and 3 years of Aurale Agency ☀️

◦ When: Thursday, Jul 25th

◦ Where: – Coworking Neukölln

Hey everyone and welcome to our music marketing Summer Meetup: BBQ edition!

We’re celebrating #BBQ season and Aurale Agency’s 3rd anniversary with a summer evening of music, networking, barbequing and this time we have a mini pool! 🏊 ☀️

Bring a musician friend, your favourite food to throw on the fire, your bathing suit, your dog..everyone’s welcome and the event is free (you can buy a beer for(…)

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Queer Gamers Berlin XV + CSD🌈 – July 2024

Queer Gamers Berlin XV + CSD🌈 - July 2024

◦ When: Saturday, Jul 27th

◦ Where: Sonntags-Club e.V.

Hello gamers! Come join our next monthly meetup on Saturday Jul 27, 2024, **from 12:00 to 15:00** at [Sonntagsclub](! This month our group meets a bit earlier (12:00 instead of the usual 14:00) to give us the chance to join the annual **Christopher Street Day event** 🏳️‍🌈 You can find more information on [their official page](


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AI Robot Racers: Track Night at the Gravity Gym

AI Robot Racers: Track Night at the Gravity Gym

◦ When: Wednesday, Jul 24th

◦ Where: The Drivery GmbH

An engaging evening at the Gravity Gym track at The Drivery, where we’ll explore the latest in AI racing

This event, is an opportunity to test your skills, showcase your AI-driven machines, and learn from fellow enthusiasts.

**What to Expect:**

* **Track Time:** Experience the thrill of racing your autonomous vehicles on a physical track.
* **Show and Tell:** Bring your DIY robot kits, AWS Deep(…)

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The Devil’s Bridge: The most visited fairytale bridge in Germany

The Devil’s Bridge: The most visited fairytale bridge in Germany

◦ When: Saturday, Jul 27th

◦ Where: Berlin Central Station

Hidden amongst fantastical castles & lakes is the 19th Century Rakotzbrücke; one of the most visited and photographed landmarks in Germany.

**For more detailed info & to secure your spot for this trip, click on link below 👇🏽:**

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Tips to meet people at social events

One of the best ways to meet new people at social events in Berlin is by choosing a common theme or interest. If you like movies, why not go see a screening with people who also like movies! Then you already have something to talk about. Or if you’re into coffee or beer, a Coffee and Beer Garden Meet and Greet could be perfect for you. And keep in mind that smaller group settings can be less intimidating and easier to start conversations in.

Another thing that might worry you is introductions. Some people aren’t as keen on introducing themselves and others worry or get nervous about it. Why not level the playing field and go to an event where everyone is expected to introduce themselves and talk? It could be a networking event, an acting class, a singles event, or a book club. Not only are people looking to introduce themselves at these events but they’re also there to make friends.

Our final tip is on the age of the people you are going to meet. If you have your heart set on meeting people close to your own age, then research events so that you can find your chosen demographic. At the same time, we want to encourage you not to limit yourself. An age gap doesn’t necessarily mean a disconnect and the great thing about different age groups is that they can learn from each other!

You can find even more events in Berlin on,, or

RELATED: How To Meet People In Berlin, Germany

thegeekconf 2024

thegeekconf 2024

◦ When: Thursday, Jul 25th

◦ Where: Kultur Büro Elisabeth gGmbH

In-person community conference on modern web and React Native in Berlin. Two tracks, talks by community heroes, and networking sessions.

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HackerX – Berlin (Full-Stack) 07/25 (Onsite)

HackerX - Berlin (Full-Stack)  07/25 (Onsite)

◦ When: Thursday, Jul 25th

◦ Where: Berlin

You’re invited to HackerX, an invite-only recruiting event for developers.

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Pride-Truck 2024 | LIEBE TUT DER SEELE GUT

Pride-Truck 2024 | LIEBE TUT DER SEELE GUT

◦ When: Saturday, Jul 27th

◦ Where: Leipziger Straße

Der Truck zum CSD Berlin Pride 2024 – mit Deiner Evangelischen Kirche

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IWB F*cked Up Stories Night & Meet-Up at Grammarly

IWB F*cked Up Stories Night & Meet-Up at Grammarly

◦ When: Thursday, Jul 25th

◦ Where: Grammarly Berlin

Professionals will share their personal experiences on how they have thrived in their careers abroad. Extra IWB meet-up at the end!

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Kiezsalon w/ Rắn Cạp Đuôi and Silvia Tarozzi & Deborah Walker

Kiezsalon w/ Rắn Cạp Đuôi and Silvia Tarozzi & Deborah Walker

◦ When: Saturday, Jul 27th

◦ Where: Kiehnwerderallee 2

We encourage you to join the waiting list, because if enough people are interested, we may be able to offer another concert slot.

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Indian Food and Trade Festival

Indian Food and Trade Festival

◦ When: Saturday, Jul 27th

◦ Where: Wassertorpl. 1

Get ready to indulge in delicious Indian cuisine and explore unique trade opportunities at our Indian Food and Trade Festival!

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Sammy Obeid in Berlin with Ahmed!

Sammy Obeid in Berlin with Ahmed!

◦ When: Tuesday, Jul 23rd

◦ Where: Columbia Theater

American comedians Sammy Obeid and Ahmed Al Kad ri do Berlin for one night of STANDUP COMEDY! 2 shows @ Columbia Theater – 6 pm and 830 pm.

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Authentic Dating Berlin | Datingabend für Singles (25-39 Jahre)

Authentic Dating Berlin | Datingabend für Singles  (25-39 Jahre)

◦ When: Thursday, Jul 25th

◦ Where: Unity Dome Berlin

Authentic Dating Berlin! 10 Männer – 10 Frauen – 1 spannender Abend

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Voice Activation Women Day Retreat

Voice Activation Women Day Retreat

◦ When: Saturday, Jul 27th

◦ Where: Holographic Healing Nest

Verbinde dich mit deiner Weiblichkeit, deinem Körper und deiner Seele durch deine wahre, freie Stimme und durch Yoga Movement.

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Фелікс Редька у Берліні!

Фелікс Редька у Берліні!

◦ When: Wednesday, Jul 24th

◦ Where: Hotel Continental – Art Space in Exile

Фелікс Редька у Берліні!

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The Devil’s Bridge: The most visited fairytale bridge in Germany

The Devil’s Bridge: The most visited fairytale bridge in Germany

◦ When: Saturday, Jul 27th

◦ Where: Berlin Central Station

Hidden amongst fantastical castles & lakes is the 19th Century Rakotzbrücke; one of the most visited and photographed landmarks in Germany

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ALTAVOLO20 x Bergmanns

ALTAVOLO20 x Bergmanns

◦ When: Thursday, Jul 25th

◦ Where: Bergmanns

Join ALTAVOLO20 at Bergmanns and make new connections over the dinner table!

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GDPR is No Excuse: How to Run a Diversity & Inclusion Survey in Germany

GDPR is No Excuse: How to Run a Diversity & Inclusion Survey in Germany

◦ When: Thursday, Jul 25th

◦ Where: audibene GmbH

Learn why it’s important to collect diversity data, how to comply with GDPR, and how to communicate to get buy-in from stakeholders.

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Workshop! Find Your Fierce Voice! LETS GET LOUD Together!

Workshop! Find Your Fierce Voice! LETS GET LOUD Together!

◦ When: Monday, Jul 22nd

◦ Where: ProjectTogether gGmbH

It’s time to break the silence and let your voice ROAR!

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Hands Club: Speed Creating

Hands Club: Speed Creating

◦ When: Friday, Jul 26th

◦ Where: MOOS Space

Join us at Hands Club: Speed Creating for a fun event where you can unleash your creativity in unexpected ways!

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Wax carving Workshop – Introduction to Jewelry making

Wax carving Workshop - Introduction to Jewelry making

◦ When: Tuesday, Jul 23rd

◦ Where: MotionLab.Berlin

Carve your own finger ring to get it casted in sterling silver.

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Watercolor Workshop – Painting On Paper [Open Form]

Watercolor Workshop - Painting On Paper [Open Form]

◦ When: Tuesday, Jul 23rd

◦ Where: CISpace Coworking Café

A ~2 hours watercolor painting lesson.

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◦ When: Saturday, Jul 27th

◦ Where: Marina Miller Kunstatelier Kunstschule

Künstlerin Marina leitet Dich in kreativer Atmosphäre an, Dein eigenes Acryl-Bild zu erstellen.

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Irgendwann – Neue Deutsche Welle Liveparty

Irgendwann - Neue Deutsche Welle Liveparty

◦ When: Saturday, Jul 27th

◦ Where: Freilichtbühne an der Zitadelle

IRGENDWANN machen Party, bis die Schule brennt! …

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Café de l’emploi à Berlin le jeudi 25 juillet

Café de l'emploi à Berlin le jeudi 25 juillet

◦ When: Thursday, Jul 25th

◦ Where: Osram-Höfe

1 matinée pour booster en groupe votre recherche d’emploi à Berlin dans une ambiance conviviale dans les locaux de SuperCoop Berlin

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