Let’s explore social events in Winnipeg, mb happening this week. Local events are a great way to meet new people and make new friends. Look through this page and consider going out and socializing during one of these social events.
Are you looking to take a break from your regular ventures, build friendships or develop emotional intelligence? Social events could just be just the thing you are missing. As they always say, one’s company, two’s a crowd, three’s a party. In these events, you will get to meet a whole new range of people, engage other cultures and understand different perspectives. You get opportunities to expand your circle through the interactions and conversations elicited. Whether you are looking to improve your social or work connections, this is it for you.
There are many events held across Winnipeg, Canada. Events range from backyard outings, outdoor activity events, singles events, professional networking, meaningful discussions, and more. They are all varied and interesting covering your lifestyle and preference. If you find it hard to make connections or socialize in these events, here are a few tips to save your situation.
Local Groups’ Events in Winnipeg
2025 Winnipeg Open Data Datathon
◦ When: Saturday, Mar 1st
◦ Where: Launch Coworking (Exchange)
In celebration of **[International Open Data Day](https://opendataday.org),** on **Saturday, March 1, 2025**, [City Of Winnipeg Open Data](https://data.winnipeg.ca), [Canada Computing](https://canadacomputing.ca) and [Launch Coworking](https://launchcoworking.ca), are hosting the ***2025 Winnipeg Open Data Datathon*** .
Join us on this educational, day-long event to learn about the wide variety o(…)
Discover the Power of Real-Time 3D Visualization
◦ When: Tuesday, Feb 25th
◦ Where: StudioLab xR
🌟 **Join Us for an Exciting Exploration of Cutting-Edge Technology!** 🌟
Manitoba Women In Tech (#MBWiTech) is calling all women in technology! Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of **Real-Time 3D Visualization** and discover how this innovative technology is reshaping industries.
**[Chelsea Treboniak](https://www.linkedin.com/in/chelseatreboniak/)**, **Co-(…)
How to become a contract software developer in 2025
◦ When: Wednesday, Feb 26th
◦ Where: Launch Coworking – Exchange | Winnipeg | Shared Workspace | Office Space | Meeting & Event Space
Have you ever worked at a company that relies on contractors—or wondered what it might be like to become one yourself? Join Craig as he explores the ins and outs of contractor life versus full-time employment. He’ll dive into key decisions like setting up your business as a sole proprietor versus incorporating, and discuss different contracting models such as fixed bid versus time-and-materials. C(…)
Friday Night at the Forks 🍻 ✨️
◦ When: Saturday, Mar 1st
◦ Where: The Forks Market
**Eat, Drink, and Socialize at the Forks 🍻**
Looking to meet new people or catch up with old friends? Join us for a laid-back hangout at the Forks where you can enjoy good food, great conversation, and warm vibes. 🤗
This event is open to everyone, so whether you’re a familiar face or completely new to the group, come by, relax, and make some new connections.
See you there! ✨(…)
Glow mini Golf, & Hangout @ U-Puttz
◦ When: Saturday, Mar 1st
◦ Where: U-Puttz Amusement Centre
U-Puttz is bloody awesome. By far the best Glow Mini Golf in Winnipeg, and for dirt cheap. It’s hard to beat that; but U-Puttz offers even more! They have Laser tag, & Bumper cars so its impossible to be be board here.
This event is all about having a good Friday night out. Have a drink and kick back, meet new people, make friends, and talk about whatever interests you. Have a good time everyone!(…)
◦ When: Thursday, Feb 27th
◦ Where: Activate Winnipeg East
Price: $28 plus tax
What is Activate? Ready to enter the game? Activate is the world’s first active gaming facility, where you’ll play arcade-style games by actually jumping, climbing, and dodging. You and your group of 3-5 will move freely between eleven interactive rooms, choosing games that challenge your agility, problem solving, and speed. Dive through lasers. Climb glowing walls. Only the b(…)
Winnipeg | Straight Speed Dating | Ages 34-43
◦ When: Thursday, Feb 27th
◦ Where: Little Brown Jug Brewing
**Calling all Straight Singles ages 34-43!**
You must purchase a ticket to attend this event – [https://3common.com/event/6776b6574b339b429eb4ffff](https://3common.com/event/6776b6574b339b429eb4ffff)
**Why choose an in-person Winnipeg dating event with Flare?**
Well, for starters, we obsess over our dating events and aim to provide unique one-night experiences. We offer speed dating events for si(…)
Archery @ Heights Indoor Archery Range 🎯
◦ When: Saturday, Mar 1st
◦ Where: Heights Outdoors and Archery Range
**Join us at Heights Outdoors and Archery Range on Portage!**
Equipment is available at the location, and there will be a quick introductory lesson at the start of the session.
**About Heights Outdoors and Archery Range**
“Since 1991, Heights Outdoors has been at the forefront of the archery, hunting, and shooting sports lifestyle. Located in the heart of the community, our retail store of(…)
Winnipeg Non-Duality Study Group Meeting
◦ When: Wednesday, Feb 26th
◦ Where: 704-340 Waterfront Dr
*”I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”* Max Planck, physicist
**What is non-duality?**
The understanding that the Reality of the world and the Reality of the body and mind are the same, experientially: consciousnes(…)
Saturday 11:30 am ESL Group Practice Session
◦ When: Saturday, Mar 1st
◦ Where: Tim Hortons
This ESL meetup starts at 11:30 am on Saturday morning, and will be held in person. We will meet at Tim Horton’s, 19 Marion Street, in the Dominion strip mall. Everyone is welcome but you must sign up and get a confirmed spot in the group. This session is led by Jill, a former English teacher.
Sign-ups for any empty spots in the Saturday group will open at 1:15 pm on Saturday, one week prior to th(…)
Saturday 12:45 pm ESL Group Practice Session
◦ When: Saturday, Mar 1st
◦ Where: Tim Hortons
The ESL group will meet at 12:45 pm on Saturdays.
We will meet at Tim Hortons, 19 Marion Street, in the Dominion strip mall. The group is led by Jill, a former English teacher. Everyone is welcome but you must sign up and get a confirmed spot in the group.
Please do not attend if you are coughing, sneezing, have a sore throat or other symptoms of COVID, even if you have tested negatively.
Cost f(…)
Tavern United after? 1. How Much Is Enough? 2. US, the Policeman of the World?
◦ When: Wednesday, Feb 26th
◦ Where: Forest Park Community School
**1\. How Much Is Enough? Trillionaires\! \(NYT’s Oct 2018\)**
**Simply, food for thought below:**
**You can choose not to read this and just bring your ideas on the topic and share them. But check out the bottom bolded set of questions.**
We are into an extrem(…)
Tech and Storytelling Insights from Industry Leaders
◦ When: Friday, Feb 28th
◦ Where: 201 Portage Ave
As part of the Province’s Official Tech Week celebration, The Unreal Meetup Group Winnipeg is excited to announce a blockbuster event on Thursday, February 27th, at New Media Manitoba’s StudioLab xR.
Join us as our guests from Blur Studio, Epic Games and AWS | Thinkbox explore how technology is revolutionizing creativity and storytelling.
🎬 Sean Cody – Blur Studio
A powerhouse in an(…)
Saturday 10:30 am ESL Group Practice Session
◦ When: Saturday, Mar 1st
◦ Where: Tim Hortons
The ESL group will meet at 10:30 am on Saturday mornings.
We will meet at Tim Hortons, 19 Marion Street, in the Dominion strip mall. The group is led by Jill, a former English teacher. Everyone is welcome but you must sign up and get a confirmed spot in the group.
Please do not attend if you are coughing, sneezing, have a sore throat or other symptoms of COVID, even if you have tested negatively.(…)
We Play Board Games – Saturday, March 1st (Osborne area)
◦ When: Saturday, Mar 1st
◦ Where: 279 River Ave
***\*This is taking place at Riley’s in Osborne! See details and address below.***
Join us for another evening of board game adventure!
We will have 4-5 tables of games going, a mix of shorter and longer games. We tend to focus on medium to heavier weight games of any genre (strategy, cooperative, social deduction, etc).
This Meetup is free; though we welcome any snacks/drinks!
This e(…)
Outdoor movement at the Forks
◦ When: Saturday, Mar 1st
◦ Where: The Forks Market
Join me and other like minded women who want to get moving and enjoy winter. You can skate or walk or ski, up to you.
Option to stop for a tea after our adventure.
There will appear to be a 10 member limit, this is due to limits put on by Meet up
There will be no charge for this first meet up.(…)
Weekly Meeting
◦ When: Wednesday, Feb 26th
◦ Where: SkullSpace
I’mOur weekly, public, is back to taking place at 6 P.M. at 374 Donald Street, Winnipeg, MB! Feel free to join our online discussion on [Discord](https://discord.gg/ahryAGpUpg) if you’d like to e-meet folks a little early.(…)
SAVING YOUR FUTURE! Empower Yourself. Master the Fundamentals of Finance
◦ When: Saturday, Mar 1st
◦ Where: King Edward Financial Center
*How often do we use money?*
*Have you ever wondered why some people seemed to be more financial secure and successful than others?*
*Is it possible, we simple don’t know what we don’t know, especially when it comes to finances?*
We believe people do not plan to fail, we fail to plan because of a general lack of understanding, support, and access to(…)
Weekly meeting
◦ When: Wednesday, Feb 26th
◦ Where: Fred Douglas Chateau (formerly Kiwanis Chateau) – 55+ Life Lease Building
Toastmasters is part of our wonderful community! Public Speaking is a requirement in todays world! I found that out in 1994! Presentations to a group of people or even interview skills were not part of my life. Yet they are learnable.
Come to one of our meetings! Find not only [camaraderie](https://www.bing.com/search?q=camaraderie&FORM=AWRE), but also learn speaking and leadership skills. How doe(…)
February Urbanist Hangout at The Forks
◦ When: Wednesday, Feb 26th
◦ Where: The Forks Market
We’ll be meeting at The Forks EQ3 lounge to hang out and talk all things urbanism!
***About YIMBY Winnipeg:*** *YIMBY stands for “Yes In My Backyard”. We support an affordable and sustainable Winnipeg that grows up, not out. To learn more about YIMBY Winnipeg’s mandate, see [here](https://www.yesinwpg.com/about/our-mandate/).*
***Follow our [mailing list updates](https://www.yesinwpg.com/contact(…)
Tips to meet people at social events
One of the best ways to meet new people at social events in Winnipeg is by choosing a common theme or interest. If you like movies, why not go see a screening with people who also like movies! Then you already have something to talk about. Or if you’re into coffee or beer, a Coffee and Beer Garden Meet and Greet could be perfect for you. And keep in mind that smaller group settings can be less intimidating and easier to start conversations in.
Another thing that might worry you is introductions. Some people aren’t as keen on introducing themselves and others worry or get nervous about it. Why not level the playing field and go to an event where everyone is expected to introduce themselves and talk? It could be a networking event, an acting class, a singles event, or a book club. Not only are people looking to introduce themselves at these events but they’re also there to make friends.
Our final tip is on the age of the people you are going to meet. If you have your heart set on meeting people close to your own age, then research events so that you can find your chosen demographic. At the same time, we want to encourage you not to limit yourself. An age gap doesn’t necessarily mean a disconnect and the great thing about different age groups is that they can learn from each other!
You can find even more events in Winnipeg on Todocanada.ca, Wpgforfree.ca, or Allevents.in.
RELATED: How To Meet People In Winnipeg, Canada
Wedding Social in Honour of Jennifer Fortier and Quinten Harris
◦ When: Friday, Feb 28th
◦ Where: Earl Grey Community Centre
We are getting married and cannot wait to celebrate with everyone!
Techapalooza 2025
◦ When: Saturday, Mar 1st
◦ Where: Club Regent Event Centre
Get ready for the ultimate tech party of 2025 at Techapalooza – where musicians from Winnipeg’s I.T. Community Band Together to Beat Cancer!
Prairie Grain Development Committee 2025 Annual Meeting
◦ When: Monday, Feb 24th
◦ Where: Delta Hotels Winnipeg
An annual meeting to facilitate the improvement of prairie grains through high level scientific discussion and research prioritization.
MB AI Innovation Showcase.
◦ When: Tuesday, Feb 25th
◦ Where: 319 Elgin Ave
The MB AI Innovation Showcase is an evening of real demos of the latest local advancements in artificial intelligence.
Workplace Law 360: Navigating the Changing Landscape
◦ When: Friday, Feb 28th
◦ Where: RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg
TDS invites you to attend our Annual Labour & Employment Seminar, Workplace Law 360: Navigating the Changing Landscape
Embracing Neurodiversity and Late Diagnoses
◦ When: Thursday, Feb 27th
◦ Where: The Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
Join your MEEPA colleagues for an informative and interesting event!
Grand Planetary Alignment Gong Bath – February 28th
◦ When: Friday, Feb 28th
◦ Where: 603 Wellington Crescent
Join us for a Cosmic Gong Bath Meditation during the Grand Planetary Alignment on February 28th
Taylor Swift Trivia Night Winnipeg
◦ When: Thursday, Feb 27th
◦ Where: King’s Head Pub, King Street, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Join us for a fun-filled night of Taylor Swift trivia at King’s Head Pub. Test your knowledge of all things Taylor!
IDK Party
◦ When: Friday, Feb 28th
◦ Where: Darling Bar
IDK Party presents IDK.net a live recording session of high energy music, intimate venues, good energy and the best people to be around.
◦ When: Friday, Feb 28th
◦ Where: The Handsome Daughter, Sherbrook Street, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
An evening of adventurous, experimental sounds featuring LUANA MOTH, Meanspath, and Crabskull
Prescribed Fire in the Prairie Landscape
◦ When: Tuesday, Feb 25th
◦ Where: Westworth United Church
This presentation will talk about safely bringing fire back through prescribed burns, training, and education.
The Chosen Family Band
◦ When: Saturday, Mar 1st
◦ Where: Times Change(d) High & Lonesome Club
Feat. Sierra Noble, Kelly Campbell, Ashley Au, J. Riley Hill, Ava G, Domo + Line Dancing (Diaphanie) and (Writer’s Round) Mitchell Makoons
PUNK PROM for Trans Health Klinic
◦ When: Friday, Feb 28th
◦ Where: Little Brown Jug
Punk Prom is back at LBJ Friday February 28th in support of Trans Health Klinic
One-Day Choir | “Landslide”
◦ When: Tuesday, Feb 25th
◦ Where: Little Brown Jug
Lets sing together – No judgement, no need for perfection, let’s just SING in community because it feels good. Join Mckye and G+P for ODC
Broken Record Album Launch (Night 1)
◦ When: Friday, Feb 28th
◦ Where: Cornerstone Arthouse
Celebrate with Don Amero as he drops Broken Record Part One – Heart! New tunes, big vibes—don’t miss this heartfelt journey!
◦ When: Saturday, Mar 1st
◦ Where: Ivey Ultra Lounge
For the first time ever! LOVE ME JEJE: AN AFRO-RNB EXPERIENCE makes its debut in Winnipeg! Join us at Ivey Ultra Lounge for the EXPERIENCE!
◦ When: Friday, Feb 28th
◦ Where: John J. Conklin Theatre
Join us at the University of Manitoba Food Bank Inaugural Concert: Rocking with a Cause!
Sustainability Night 2025
◦ When: Thursday, Feb 27th
◦ Where: Robert B. Schultz Theatre
Join us for the University of Manitoba’s annual Sustainability Night featuring Dr. Madeleine Orr!
ACMP Manitoba Change and Chill: Kick off 2025
◦ When: Wednesday, Feb 26th
◦ Where: La Roca
Come warm up from the chill and network with your organizational change colleagues.
Bluegrass Night! Stanley County Cutups / Dirty Thirds / Stonypoint
◦ When: Thursday, Feb 27th
◦ Where: Times Change(d) High & Lonesome Club
It’s Bluegrass Night at the Honky-Tonk!!